
Entrepreneurship Success Initiative

Despite many resources dedicated by organizations, investors and policy makers towards helping entrepreneurs, we actually know very little about the factors that truly shape entrepreneurial success and what can be done to increase the probability that an entrepreneur or startup company will be successful.

The Entrepreneurship Success Initiative is a new study by researchers at Rice University and MIT which aims to close some of the knowledge gaps around systems, decisions, backgrounds and training that lead to higher chances of startup success. The study will follow a large panel of startups over 2 years in an attempt to identify what factors, decisions, training and background experiences contribute to successful startup outcomes.

Data will be collected semi-annually through the use of survey instruments and qualitative interviews. Startups accepted to participate in the study will be paid $1,000 to fill out four 20 minute semi-annual surveys and may be asked to participate in a qualitative interview. In addition, participating startups will be entered into a lottery to receive a condensed entrepreneurship skills curriculum modeled on programs taught at MIT and Rice University.


In addition, the ESI research team undertakes similar studies worldwide related to the topics of entrepreneurial success, training, and decision making.

Contact the research Team